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Speed-Camera Ordinance Passed in Chicago

The Chicago City Council recently approved a speed-camera ordinance promoted by Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel. The ordinance will allow speed-cameras positioned around Chicago to video speeding drivers and issue them $100 tickets. Proponents of the law believe that motorists who drive at dangerous speeds are a threat to others drivers as well as pedestrians and […]

11 Texts and a Deadly Motor Vehicle Crash Pile-Up

The Chicago and South Chicago Car Accident Lawyers at Grazian and Volpe have written exhaustively about the deadly hazards of distracted driving. This fatal motor vehicle crash in Missouri should be a chilling reminder to all. Federal investigators have established that the 19 year old pickup driver sent six texts and received 5 texts in […]

Premises Liability: Landlord Must Change Locks

Your Chicago and Berwyn Premises Liability Lawyers at Grazian and Volpe want clients and the general public to know about the new Illinois law mandating when a Landlord Must Change Locks. A new Illinois Public Act (97-470) requires a landlord to “change or re-key” locks of their rental property after a renter moves out if the new renter […]

Truck Accidents Caused By Distracted Truck Drivers On the Rise

Truck Accidents are on the rise and distracted truck drivers appear to be a reason. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is on a mission to stop drivers who maintain a commercial driver’s license to stop using cell phones while driving a heavy truck or bus. The NTSB endorsed a ban on hand-held and hands-free […]

Illinois Supreme Court Rules on Social Host Liability

The Illinois Supreme Court recently handed down a decision affecting the liability of social hosts. In Bell v. Hutsell, Daniel Bell, an 18-year-old man, consumed alcohol at a friend’s house during a party and soon after, he died in an automobile accident. Bell’s family filed a wrongful death lawsuit and the case found its way […]