It has been our experience as car accident lawyers that women seem to fare worse in car accidents than men. Our experience received scientific confirmation when researchers at the University of Virginia concluded a study this month which was published online on October 20th in the AMerican Journal of Public Health.
The researchers at the University of Virginia reviewed information on 45,445 crash victims which was gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration over 11 years. They found that, compared with the male drivers studied, women were 5 1/2 inches shorter and 35 pounds lighter; fewer were overweight; and more were driving passengers cars at the time of the crash(carpools, ferrying children and elderly parents and family members). After controlling for these factors and others, the study found that women were 47 percent more likely to suffer severe injuries, most notably brain and spinal injuries.
The study concludes that females are more susceptible to brain injury and spinal injury because of differences in neck strength and musculature. In addition, the positioning of head restraints and seating positions are not configured for the shorter female stature. The study posited that car safety devices have been designed with a male template and car manufacturers may need to consider designing safety features which can accommodate gender differences.
The lead author of the study, Dipan Bose states that for now, “female drivers can ensure that their safety systems perform optimally, including maintaining a good belt fit and correct seating posture.” Grazian and Volpe (now Lloyd Miller Law) hopes that the results of this study are heeded by the car industry and advises their clients to review the National Highway Traffic Administrations website to determine the best seating position for safe operation of the vehicle and maximum protection in the event of a motor vehicle accident.
Please visit us at for more blog articles regarding motor vehicle safety and protection against brain injury and spinal injury. Remember- it is always best to stay safe, but if you can’t stay safe-stay with Grazian and Volpe (now Lloyd Miller Law) – your accident lawyers in Chicago and South Chicago for over 25 years.