Highway crashes involving large commercial trucks and buses caused the death of over 3,600 people in the U.S. in 2009. The FMCSA began along with various state partners began a compliance, safety, and accountability (CSA) program in 2004. This program is intended to identify and evaluate carriers and drivers posing high safety risks. The FMSCA expected to fully implement the CSA program by late 2010.
In late 2011, the GAO report found the new safety measurement system (SMS) promulgated by the FMSCA is still not in effect to get unsafe carriers off the road. The GAO found that the FMSCA has not completed the rule-making needed to implement the program and that the technology needed for implementation will not be ready until mid to late 2012.
In essence, the FMSCA has not provided the necessary information to Congress needed to make statutory decisions based upon the program despite the initiation of the program over 7 years ago!
The Chicago Truck Accident Lawyers at the Lloyd Miller Law are frustrated by the lack of urgency exhibited by our government in addressing remedies for a serious and growing number of truck accidents due to poor standards, regulations, and enforcement. We invite all to write or call their elected representatives and let them know that we value the safety of our highways!