While driving my daughter to college last week we were stopped in each direction for over 2 hours while troopers cleared truck accidents caused by jack-knifed trucks. As a personal injury attorney with many years of experience, one would think I would be unfazed by an accident. However, truck accidents make my blood run cold, and simply seeing the aftermath of these truck accidents conjures up graphic pictures of the horrible personal injuries and fatalities suffered by those involved.
It is especially tragic when the truck driver was driving while fatigued or distracted and the accident was preventable. However, the injuries are no less severe than when the accident was not preventable has in the case of a jack-knifed truck. Truck accidents involving tractor-trailers are especially dangerous.
Anti-lock and electromagnetic brakes can help, and some trucks have devices that limit the angle between the tractor and trailer at higher speeds. Now, engineers at the University of Patras in Greece have created a new kingpin (where the trailer is hitched to the tractor) that can slide parallel to the tractor’s rear axle, so the trailer won’t swing out into the road during a truck crash. The sliding pin would only be activated during an emergency.