For victims of auto accidents, the word is “No.” In Illinois, auto accident attorneys have learned that State Farm recently circulated an internal email to all of its claims adjustors instructing each of them to only offer up to fifty percent (50%) of the full value of an injured victim’s claim. Why? Since the Coronavirus pandemic has closed the Courts (except for emergencies), State Farm is thinking that attorneys for car accident victims are “strapped for cash” and will “settle short” because they cannot push their cases to trial. So, State Farm is gambling that your accident attorney will “settle short” of full value. Ah, don’t you love your neighbor?
At Grazian & Volpe, we’re ready, willing and able to weather the storm. Our last three (3) auto accident settlements against negligent drivers who were insured by State Farm Auto Insurance Company were for State Farm’s $100,000.00 policy limits—and that’s exactly the amount we won for our clients. Nothing short. Our attorneys work hard to make sure that our clients obtain full and fair compensation and nothing less. Unlike auto accident law firms, we have the financial resources to weather the storm. We’re here to help!
This has serious implications for victims of vehicle motor accidents. If you’ve just been in a traumatic car accident and were injured, you should not have to worry about whether your attorney is going to settle short for cash. You should have the confidence that your attorney is on your side and isn’t going to settle for anything less than what you are due.
Call us at 773.838.8100 to schedule your free initial consultation.