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Category: Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

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The healthcare system is a large and complicated process to navigate through, and you tend to be navigating through it when you aren’t at your best. You are likely in pain or ill, and the doctors, nurses, and techs are quite possibly overworked and understaffed, which can create unfortunate opportunities for errors to occur. 
In Chicago, you generally have two years to file a lawsuit for nursing home neglect or abuse. If you fail to take legal action before time runs out, you could lose your right to recover compensation for your injuries. For elder abuse cases and other types of personal injury claims, the clock usually starts ticking on the day the injury occurs. However, some forms of abuse, such as financial exploitation, or abuse against someone with dementia, take some time to discover. For such cases, the two-year period starts running on the date of discovery.
If you were injured in a trucking accident in Chicago, Berwyn, Oak Lawn, Cicero, or a nearby community, call the injury attorneys at Lloyd Miller Law for a free consultation.
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Shot of a team of surgeons performing a surgery in an operating room. Medical errors that lead to death.
The healthcare system is a large and complicated process to navigate through, and you tend to be navigating through it when you aren’t at your best. You are likely in pain or ill, and the doctors, nurses, and techs are quite possibly overworked and understaffed, which can create unfortunate opportunities for errors to occur. 
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Image of sad woman suffering from senility
In Chicago, you generally have two years to file a lawsuit for nursing home neglect or abuse. If you fail to take legal action before time runs out, you could lose your right to recover compensation for your injuries. For elder abuse cases and other types of personal injury claims, the clock usually starts ticking on the day the injury occurs. However, some forms of abuse, such as financial exploitation, or abuse against someone with dementia, take some time to discover. For such cases, the two-year period starts running on the date of discovery.